Sunday, October 14, 2007


One week in the supposed most populated city in the World and I am filled with an overwhelming amount of strength and energy! A combination of encountered visions and tastes, wonderful guides Sienna and Arturo, and Mutek Mexico make the trip illuminating and provides a fluid and consistent progression. Stazione Indianilla, the power plant turned art space churns out the deepest bass and clear space. Skoltz Kolgens performance of excerps of Silent Room is rich and dripping with clear blue electricity. The Aztec ruins in the Zocalo churn and cycle with rhythm, music, and artisans. The courtyard outside of Siennas flat sounds: violin practice, dog barking, cars, kitchen noises from Laura's apartment above...we drink, dance and are merry indeed.

Friday, October 05, 2007

art and science

!!!! the planetarium show was fantastic! Sawako's performance was clean and delicate like fine gauze and tiny star showers. white, lavender, gray, pink. i am inspired to tap into the unlimited capacity of learning to open up all the possibilities in imagination. the seemingly difficult part is being a part of the local landscape and not getting discouraged, but being more inventive. the labs at belmar are a beautiful space constructed of glass and steel beams and big clean open rooms, but in Jefferson county....some of the art left something to be desired.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

ma souer

having my sister in town for 6 days helped me take advantage of the last days of summer before classes begin. we spent three days out in the mountain air, getting to know the moss and the wildflowers. i went on my favorite hike up in eldora, which i realized i hadn't been to in 3 years! there is a rough dirt road that leads to the trailhead and only until this year have i had a decent enough vehicle to drive down that dirt road full of aspens and rocks to the most gorgeous granitem moss and waterfall riddled trail. we were able to tap into each other's memories and recollect small details from growing up together. as children our imaginations were excercised constantly,, creating an imaginary world together that in retrospect implied some very interesting psychological representations. most prominent being the small gray puppet squirrel, Jake, who i got in 3rd grade as a birthday gift. we had created a whole story about his background and his personality traits as a sarcastic and crude little creature. we also related on certain aspects of our childhood which no one else in the world could know. it was all very intense and processing such things left me feeling spent in one way and energized in another.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

summer dreams

time continues to pass in varied forms. last weekend i went up to red feather lakes to visit a friend at the shambala mountain center. the weather changed throughout the day, apparantly the rain follows a certain lady that was visiting. walking around is calming, i confront a bound feeling in my chest...not unfamiliar. the 600 acres of land are open and vast, each step carries weight...sun than rain, than hail, than sun.

Monday, July 23, 2007

dix jours

it has been 10 days since i returned from my trip to RI visiting this amazing art studio. an incredibly intelligent, humble and generous duncan,, welcomed me into his space where several of his guest artists/friends helped me aquire certain skills for composing moving visuals. the ocean air with accompanying sounds of seagulls and deep clang of buoys created the most beautiful and misty interlude into the evening for the magic hours for playing with light and images. with a handfull of mixed clips collected over the past two years, i was able to play with such an incredible range of aesthetic effects, filters and layers. the translucent veil of color and light from projections into a large open space was quite a release of tension from the mental muddiness of a routine life. upon the transition back to denver, i found that i had a different approach to everyday life. keeping things mixed up and not allowing myself to be attached, ten days has somehow stretched in my own comprehension to encompass a variety of experiences! not just another week slipped by....this can be a technique to practice. a lot of nice things happen, positive exchanges, allowing things to pass through me and bring me to the next...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

woke up to bbq smells...

today is 4th of july, so no errand running today. i have recently left my service job and so now have a lot of time but little funds. however, even the small amount of food i'm able to purchase and cook myself, tastes good. so the ideas run wild, crafting, making fashion accessories is fun, but hasn't proven lucrative as of yet. the work of going out there, self promoting, selling my wares will happen tommorow and in the next few weeks. many ideas fill in this open vast space of relaxed summer thinking. many things have changed dramatically for me. since the art show on the 23rd, the lid burst open and shits just plain crazy! but i fall asleep with a smile on my face, optomistic and feel that things are as they should be.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

returned to denver several weeks ago from mutek and chicago. it's been a lot of processing of experience and situation. it didn't live up to last years festival in my mind...however, i arrived with great expectations, which could have had something to do with it. the visual aspect of the festival seemed to lack inspiration from real living experience minus a few like Randy Jones. It all seemed more slicked and hip. anyways, instead of being dissapointed, i realize that experience is what it is. Upon my return to denver, everything spilled out and fell into place. my need to get my hands on real materials, wood, string, wire, paint, glue, lights...was the relief i needed from being displaced physically and mentally for a few weeks. I returned changed as one always does when departing and returning. relationships like phone wires in the sun....tension adjusts according to environmental conditions. family ties a little stronger, but at the same time more relaxed. upon completion of this art project with the clean sweet smell of poplar wood and illuminating small round windows with blue and red light, and small birds, i feel like i can relax and greet my new self.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

rainy day

so far the the thunder and lightning have offered some relief from the hot and humid suburban torture. the rain helps my allergies a little. i spend the day as the guardian passenger to my 15 yr old sister while she logs her driving hours as a new driver. she's a busy girl....from violin lesson, to audition, to party and another party. i spend the day alone in my parents house playing around with the piano, clocks, and any other object of recording and still images. a small dose of creative moments makes today allright. i prepare a meal for myself of lemon caper noodles with sea scallops and eat alone in the quiet with only the sound of the second hand of the clock.

Friday, May 25, 2007

you can't go home again...

it's the 8th day of my trip here in chicago. staying with my family and in the room i suffered my early formative years. time seems to seep away slowly. i feel energetically drained. when i first arrived with a defiant attitude to uphold my equilibrium. it's a vortex where all energy becomes neutral...i'm just a body brewing in dark black tea of thoughts. I ask myself, why do i do this? come here and force myself to survive this enivronment. after a lot of thought it occurs that it's the only way to really confront where i came from. i fled from this place 9 years ago and the only way i can feel that i'm not still running and hiding, is to come back. and to see if for what it really is and by doing so i can really move ahead with my true desires. i've worked so hard to manifest my own happiness and i can see now how far i've come. the guilt has shed slowly and has now run dry. what a releif. thinking of montreal, people that will be writhing with life, imbibed and drunk on life, embodying it in dance and deep layered sound will be the extreme opposite of where i am now. it makes me almost want to cry, and i'm sure that i will. i can't wait.

Monday, April 30, 2007

unlucky...but still warm.

a warm summer approaches! time outside in the warm hot sun and boosts the creativity. from craft lace, feather jewelry and teacups and all things translucent and glassy! strange dreams, allergies, mysterious happenings some unlucky...keeps my head in check.

broken windows at DAVA today which means that all the funds from the big luncheon gets put towards fixing those instead of a fieldtrip for the kids.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

works in progress

recent works in warms, spring cleans, preparation....

Friday, April 20, 2007


breezy and contemplative friday going from place to place picking up materials, books, good bread and some bee pollen as the sun bares all. my day off feels like a moment to moment fascination with all that happens in a day. my room is covered in colored paper having snipped, sliced, and diced crepe paper to make flowers for saturdays music event at trilogy with special guest FAX from Mexico. inspired by nature, i scramble about letting materials pass through my hands and building my webs, instinctual production of intake and output. green straw, dust, piercing patterns of reality, automatic, intentional, so calm every moment embibed with emotional and energetic exchange. even down to the delicious sicilian olives and red wax gouda cheese. the tactile music in my head and in my REM sleep, train rails, clip clops, raindrops, spiderwebs, surface tension.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

closed out at zero....

today was rather productive...DAVA was great today working on live performance skits with the kids. we had apples for snacktime. a lot of projection of self to networks all over today. small synchronicities occur throughout the old forest grows into the current. touch on many different creative mediums throughout the evening. talk of the electronic arts festival in boulder in 2008 and other projects get my blood running. this doorknob image is from a roll of 35mm film shot in 2005 in my first post graduate housing. the balance of the digital vs. analog is consistant for me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

images float...

attempting to cover all bases slowly. get some video work done...playing a little music. 4 days off of work inspires a surge of creative energy.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

translucent porcelain...

woke up early this morning...little before 6 am to help my honey bear open up the coffee shop. the sky was dark, and it was cooold. getting ready to work on painting a door this week, so trying to conjure up images of curly and scalloped dark mystery. cafe culture. now gaining access from a few angles, tom may work at saint marks, me at city o'city and devin at cafe roma. there are a lot of things that i need to accomplish this year. i'm always in anticipation of things to come, all the while, taking a deep breath trying to relax above it all.