Tuesday, June 19, 2007

returned to denver several weeks ago from mutek and chicago. it's been a lot of processing of experience and situation. it didn't live up to last years festival in my mind...however, i arrived with great expectations, which could have had something to do with it. the visual aspect of the festival seemed to lack inspiration from real living experience minus a few like Randy Jones. It all seemed more slicked and hip. anyways, instead of being dissapointed, i realize that experience is what it is. Upon my return to denver, everything spilled out and fell into place. my need to get my hands on real materials, wood, string, wire, paint, glue, lights...was the relief i needed from being displaced physically and mentally for a few weeks. I returned changed as one always does when departing and returning. relationships like phone wires in the sun....tension adjusts according to environmental conditions. family ties a little stronger, but at the same time more relaxed. upon completion of this art project with the clean sweet smell of poplar wood and illuminating small round windows with blue and red light, and small birds, i feel like i can relax and greet my new self.

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