Friday, April 11, 2008

back...after a long departure.

Wow a long time since an entry...busy busy busy with life, school, festival activities, many new responsibilities, balancing all these varied aspects in my life is overwhelming and exhilarating at different times. it's a true test of my mental ability to rationalize all that i busy myself with. people are strange, always occupying themselves with random activities that fulfill some kind of need or purpose in our lives which we don't always know what for.

A relaxing trip out to wide open land, warm weather, hot springs, campfire and stones helps ground me before the festival and last few months of school. A major growing operation takes over tony and my houses with the bitter, briney and tart, pickled smell of fresh sprouted seeds. I am totally fascinated with them...they are like new and exciting friends. everyday they grow a little bit...and reveal their potential to grow into beautiful little green things...My crash course into sprouting has been one of the most fulfilling experiences yet.

Clay, coconut oil, rosewater, honey, tea, algae, figs, mung bean, lentils, mustard, amaranth, kamut, quinoa and cress...these are the delicious things in my life right now...what beautiful full words! I try to always remember that feeling of fresh fruits and flowers falling from the sky. I think it's in MEXICO...hmmmm.....